Lenka Kollarčíková

About me

Languages have always been my passion and they have also become my source of income. I have been using both my mother tongue and foreign languages since I started working and communicating with customers and also when translating or writing. Although I enjoy escaping into the world of words I can also be down-to-earth when needed.
My strengths are responsibility, good organizational skills and time management - I can stay focused on the projects and meet all the deadlines. I have my own proven methods of work but I still like to learn new things. If there is anything that can move me forward either professionally or personally, I am in.
I prefer spending my free time with my husband and my daughter. We love to go out and explore the beauties of the Czech and Slovak landscape. I am also aware of the importance of taking care of myself. My mind relaxes while dancing, riding a bike or roller skating and my body relaxes while reading or listening to music. Lately I have been reading mostly some world classics and self-improvements books.